Our session will be

  • Personalized

    We will begin by identifying your short and long-term goals, and any immediate issues in your business. I’ll work closely with you to help move through any limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

  • Targeted

    My sessions are action-oriented, addressing those things that are high priority (read: high stress) first. From there, we continually reassess to make sure we are moving you closer to your goals on each call.

  • Integrative

    As you start to feel more confident in your business, we will focus on creating systems to make your business fit into your lifestyle, and not the other way around. Your career gets to be fun and sustainable!

How you’ll feel

more confident, in control, and proud of the business you’ve built

What makes my mentorship different?

This is not your buttoned-up, corporate feeling mentoring session. We will laugh, we might swear… I don’t think you’ll cry, but it’s okay if you do! Being a practicing massage therapist myself, I get how ridiculous (and at times infuriating) our job can be. I am in the trenches with you!

Starting and running a business can be a lot for one person to shoulder. I’m here to share the load, and bring some lightness into your day. I also offer transparent pricing, so you don’t feel unsure or pressured when it comes to money.

What you’ll get

  • Weekly or bi-weekly 60 or 90 minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • Comprehensive business assessment

  • Personalized plan to help you reach your short and long-term goals

  • Shared Google Doc where you can upload homework, where I will leave one round of feedback in between sessions

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles


How often should we meet?

I recommend scheduling meetings once a week. This ensures that we won’t lose momentum, and should also give you time to complete any homework I assign. We can also choose to meet 2x per week or 2x per month if that seems more appropriate for your situation.

Do I have to do homework?

Not if you don’t want to! I find that folks who take the initiative in between sessions tend to progress towards their goals much faster though.

How long are mentoring sessions?

I offer 60 and 90 minute sessions. If we are meeting less than once a week I would recommend scheduling a 90 minute session.

How long is the typical mentor-mentee relationship?

That all depends! If you are only stuck in one area of your business, we may only need a few sessions to work through it. If you need help in many or all areas, we will likely need to work together for several months.

I am happy to offer support as needed after we tackle all the big stuff. An example of what this might look like would be meeting 1x per week for 4 weeks, and then 1x per month as needed.

Do you only do virtual calls?

Typically. However, if you’re in the Philadelphia area we can meet at my office or a coffee shop nearby!