How To Get More Reviews In Your Massage Business

Why do we even care about reviews? Reviews help your business appear more credible to the public which can result in you getting more clients, making more income, and having a bigger impact on your community.

Tip #1: Send follow-up emails. 

This is something that you can typically set up to be automatically sent through most booking software.  Most software will allow you to send different emails to new clients versus returning clients, so that you can customize things further. In my practice, my new clients receive an email where I have it written very clearly that I’m requesting a Google review in particular, and I include a link so it’s super easy for people to leave a review.

In my emails that I send to returning clients my review request is a little bit more subtle, towards the bottom of the email – this way if someone has already left the review they won’t feel like I'm not grateful, or like I don't know that they’ve already left a review.

This is also a great way to give your clients useful resources, anything that will compliment the service that you offer. It can be a nice personal touch on your client experience.

Tip #2: Have a QR code available in your office space.

These days, using software like Canva, it’s easier than ever to make nice looking signage. Combine a couple graphics and a custom QR code, frame it, and put it in your treatment room – next to the mirror where you know that people are going to be standing and looking around.

Even if a client doesn’t scan the code and leave a review right then, it plants the seed in their mind that this is something that you’re requesting, and I would love for them to do. When they receive their email the following day, the seed has already been planted. When they see the request for a review again, they’re more likely to leave a review at that time.

Tip #3: Ask!

This tip is probably the most simple, but for some people it might be a little bit uncomfortable. Or conversely, you might fear that this could have the potential to make your clients uncomfortable. If you’ve just worked with a new client that seems particularly pleased with the service that you’ve provided, just simply ask.

If that feels a little bit forward to you, another way to do this is to use social media. Every once in a while I will post a story that says, “ Hey, if you’ve seen me and you enjoyed your service, please consider leaving me a review on Google.” I’ll include a link there as well.

Whenever possible we want to reduce friction in our business. Anything that you want your clients to do should be made as easy as possible!

Those are my three tips for getting more reviews in your massage business. If you have any questions about massage business or web design, please feel free to reach out.

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