Let’s Talk About Imposter Syndrome…

This is something that everyone has experienced, and is particularly relevant for entrepreneurs. Not only are we coming out into the world and stating we are this thing, but we’re also requesting that people give us their hard earned money in exchange for our services. The audacity!

It’s natural to feel a bit of anxiety when we begin a new endeavor. Maybe you just graduated from massage school and are heading out into the workforce. Or maybe you’ve been a business owner for years, but you learned a new modality that you’re integrating into your menu of services.

If we’re being honest here, the first 6-12+ months of my career as a massage therapist I felt a knot in my stomach as I was getting ready for work. Despite positive feedback from my clients, I felt like I had no idea what I was doing!

When we doubt ourselves, it can be paralyzing. We start to second guess what we’re doing and why we thought it was a good idea in the first place. In my experience, the only way to overcome imposter syndrome is to get hours under your belt doing whatever it is that is making you feel unsure of yourself and your skills.

The good news is, this is typically a phase that passes, or maybe I should say that it is something that comes in waves — as it will probably crop back up the next time you try something new.

so what do we do to overcome this feeling?

  • Focus on the small things. Instead of waking up and having an existential crisis every morning, write down 2-3 realistic things you can get done that day that will move you closer to your goal. Send the email. Book the client. Write a script so you feel more confident speaking on a topic. It’s the small, daily actions that will get you onto the other side of imposter syndrome.

  • Replace what if, with why not. Take some of the pressure off of yourself, and just try the thing already! You might find that you hate the added responsibilities that come with owning a business, or you might find that you’re incredibly well suited to it and you couldn’t imagine working for someone else again. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and just go for it! Everything is trial and error, try not to take yourself too seriously.

  • Get some support. This could be emotional support and encouragement from a friend or family member, or professional support from a licensed therapist or business mentor. An outside voice can help us drown out the self-doubt that lives in our heads.

How have you overcome imposter syndrome in your business?


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